How We Help
We might be a small firm, but we're big on experience and passion.
We have significant experience in assurance (audits and reviews), tax planning and compliance, accounting and bookkeeping, along with a broad range of business advisory services such as business process design.
We've been supporting our clients with their financial, tax and business challenges for decades, helping reduce the stresses of operating their organizations so they can focus on reaching their goals.
Whether you need help with building an integrated tax plan, need an audit completed, or are looking for guidance on improving your financial reporting processes, we have a dedicated group of professionals who are excited to help.

(Audit & Review)
Centre Street Church
Dart Bryant Audit Client
Building trust and delivering value through financial reporting.
We believe financial reporting is an opportunity, not just a requirement.
An opportunity to build trust and credibility with your stakeholders through accurate and timely reporting.
An opportunity to review your business to improve internal controls or financial performance thereby increasing value.
At Dart Bryant, we have decades of assurance experience with varying sizes of both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. We deliver quality and timely audit and review engagements that bring value and credibility.
So you don't have to read the Tax Act (thank goodness!).
The very word ‘tax’ causes concern and stress for many – but not our team of tax professionals. Our goal is to build a relationship with our clients, understand your hopes and dreams, and work hard to develop effective tax strategies to make it all happen.
Whether that’s minimizing the tax owed by a client’s business, minimizing a business' cash outflow, transaction planning, donation and gifting strategies, SRED tax credit maximization or a myriad of other aspirations our clients may have – our team is here and able to help.

Tax Planning & Compliance
Romar Crane Service
Dart Bryant Tax Client

Dart Bryant Accounting Client
We'll do your debits and give you the credit.
Preparing your financial statements and tax return is about more than just compliance to government requirements. Accurate financial records, minimizing tax liabilities and understanding the story behind the numbers are critical for business owners to reach their goals, including minimizing tax liabilities. Our team of seasoned professionals love analyzing financial records, advising clients on how they can save money, and talking to them about the financial health of their business to help them achieve their ambitions.
We've been through it before - and we have some grey hair to show for it.
At Dart Bryant, we believe that we’re more than just a tax accountant or auditor. For decades, we’ve provided business consultancy support for our clients through their most significant and challenging moments in their personal and professional lives; from day-to-day business challenges to family dynamics, to donative intents, to governance models, to expanding or selling your business, and the list goes on. Our professionals have varied backgrounds and years of experience - we’re here to help navigate whatever challenges our clients may have.

Advisory & Consulting
Zeno Renewables
Dart Bryant Consulting Client

Business Process Design
Outdoor Council of Canada
Dart Bryant Business Process Client
A little help. Just in time.
Our business environment is continually challenged with an increasing pace of change, innovation, and disruption – and business processes are no exception. Our team of professionals works with our clients to review their accounting systems and processes to improve efficiencies, maximize technology solutions and achieve strategic outcomes. We work with clients and ensure that they get solutions to run their businesses efficiently and effectively to increase value, not just add more systems or technology.